Boris Johnson will lead a press conference at 5pm - how to watch it

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to hold a press briefing a day after he announced a third lockdown for England.

In his statement on Monday evening, which was broadcast at 8pm, Mr Johnson announced stringent new lockdown measures for England.

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He said schools must close to help stop the spread of Covid-19 and to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed by surging infections.

Mr Johnson warned that the coming weeks will be the “hardest yet” but said that “with a fair wind in our sails” it should be possible to vaccinate 13 million of the most vulnerable people by mid-February, paving the way for controls to be eased.

The Prime Minister’s briefing on Tuesday comes amidst growing pressure to limit international travel to the country.

What time is Boris Johnson’s speech? 

Boris Johnson will address the nation and the media at 5pm on Tuesday evening.

Who will he be joined by? 

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