Barry & Alan Art - Free bejewelled snowdrop design set and art project

Finished snowdrop cardFinished snowdrop card
Finished snowdrop card

Spring into art

This is the second in the series of art projects with Barry and Alan.

Following a long and successful career, Barry Freestone and Alan Gear are both now semi-retired but have various projects they are still involved with.

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Barry produces videos for the website, teaches video production and, with Alan, works on a number of community-based projects.

In Alan’s case, he enjoys producing bespoke 3D pictures and digital art. He is also heavily involved in community projects in Perth as well as designing downloads for their website.

About Alan and Barry – visit for a short overview of our history and who we are – site.

To get your free project and to watch a full demonstration on how to make please visit site.

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Well it won’t belong before spring starts and the snowdrop is the first to show us when it pops up its head, even when its covered with snow.

Snowdrops have many meanings and symbols associated with them – purity, innocence and sympathy and because they bloom at the end of winter it also symbolises hope.

We have brought to you a bewjewelled snowdrop design set with a complete project supported by step by step instructions and a video demonstration.