Kim Leadbeater MP: I was extremely disappointed by the decision to close Batley Baths and Recreation Centre

Batley Baths. Picture Scott MerryleesBatley Baths. Picture Scott Merrylees
Batley Baths. Picture Scott Merrylees
​​I had a big decision to take this month and it wasn’t an easy one. The constituency of Batley and Spen will disappear at the next general election, so I had to choose between putting myself forward for the new seat of Dewsbury and Batley, or Spen Valley.

Kim Leadbeater MP writes: After much soul searching I decided I had to go with my heart and stand in the seat where I was born and brought up and have lived all my life, the Spen Valley.

I’ve been very encouraged by the positive response from so many people across Batley and Spen and grateful for the support I have received.

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