Campaigners want to stop Stourton Park and Ride - and claim Leeds council leader has snubbed them

A CGI image of the planned Stourton Park and Ride. Picture: Leeds City Council.A CGI image of the planned Stourton Park and Ride. Picture: Leeds City Council.
A CGI image of the planned Stourton Park and Ride. Picture: Leeds City Council.
Campaigners intend to stop the creation of a new park and ride - and claim that the leader of Leeds City Council has snubbed her own ward.

The Stourton Park and Ride - which is likely to cost around £30m, with £27m from West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) - aims to reduce the number of car journeys into Leeds city centre by providing alternative bus travel to deal with a lack of parking spaces in the central area and address its air quality problems.

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But residents of Belle Isle, Middleton and Hunslet acting under the banner of Stop the Park and Ride in Stourton (SPARS) campaign have concerns.

In a deputation to the council last year, members argued that its placement next to the cemetery had “no regard to the families and friends of those buried there,” and said that it would increase traffic and “create mayhem on our bus routes” during building work.

They also feel that it would cause air pollution to affect Hunslet and the surrounding areas.

Chairwoman Mary Spencer yesterday told the YEP: "We are very much concerned that there has not been proper consultation with the people it will affect the most.

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"The only benefit of this is for people from Wakefield and the city centre."

Ms Spencer, of Hunslet, added: "We feel it's very ironic when Judith Blake - who is the local councillor (of the nearby Middleton Park ward) - made absolutely no comment.

"Judith Blake is portraying herself as the climate change guru and putting a state of emergency in Leeds when in her own ward it's got the highest morbidity rate for respiratory issues."

Using the example of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties, latest health statistics published by Leeds Observatory show that 5,190 people have the condition in Hunslet and Riverside and 5,185 in Middleton Park - the two most affected wards in the city.

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Most cases of the disease are caused by smoking and second-hand smoke, according to the COPD Foundation, but it can also be a consequence of breathing in dusts, fumes, or chemicals over a long period of time.

The observatory's profile for the the city's Inner South Community Committee reads that "respiratory disease mortality rates have always been very high and are more or less static".

But Ms Spencer said the authorities have "done absolutely nothing to mitigate the impact" of the park and ride.

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No jobs would be created for local people through the scheme, she added.